Archive for March, 2015

Horse Care: Managing Spring Turnout

Thursday, March 19th, 2015
horse eatingSpring has sprung and green pasture is coming on like gangbusters in most parts of the country. For most of us, this is good news because green grass relieves some pressure of searching for quality hay at a reasonable price. Of course, with the rising cost of fertilizer, it may be hard to decide which is the lesser of two evils: high-priced hay or high-priced fertilizer. However, if you have pasture and intend to utilize it for horses, there are some things to consider.
Take it slow
Keep in mind that going from dry hay and grain to lush, green pasture is a drastic change in diet and may increase the risk of founder or colic. Horses that are in the pasture full time will gradually become accustomed to the emerging green grass as it comes up. But horses that haven’t had green grass should only be allowed to graze for an hour or two at first, then gradually increase grazing time by an hour every couple days until the horses are out full time. It is also a good idea for horses to have eaten dry hay prior to turnout so they are not overly hungry. Individual horses will have different tolerance levels to the diet change and the nutritional profile of the grass, so a slower introduction is usually better.
Meet horse nutrient requirements
Spring pasture often looks beautiful and nutritious but can be very high in water and low in fiber content. In this stage of maturity, pasture may not meet a horse’s minimum requirement for dry matter intake and it may be necessary to provide 10 to 15 lbs. of dry hay per day until the pasture matures. Even when the pasture is sufficient to maintain horses in good body condition with no supplemental grain, there will still be nutrient deficiencies. Providing a forage balancer product such as Purina® Enrich Plus™ will supply a balance of protein, vitamins and minerals to complement pasture. This product is formulated to meet nutrient requirements of mature horses with 1 to 2 lbs. per day, whereas most feeds are formulated to be fed at a minimum of 3.5 to 4 lbs. per day.
Ensure adequate pasture
Pasture simulates a natural environment for horses and is considered beneficial to horses from a nutritional standpoint and from a mental health perspective as well. You may have enough pasture to serve both functions but, in many cases, pasture space is simply a place to roam around and nibble for a few hours a day. To determine if there is enough pasture for grass to be a significant source of nutrition, you have to consider the available acreage, type of forage and the number of horses or stocking rate.
The very best pastures may support one horse per acre, but average conditions may require closer to 2 to 3 acres to sustain one horse grazing full time. The effective stocking rate will depend on the type of grass, fertilization and rain fall. For shorter varieties of grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, pasture must grow 3 to 4 inches tall to provide adequate forage for horses. Taller grasses, including Coastal bermudagrass, should sustain a height of 6 to 8 inches. Stocking rates may be improved if there is an option to rotate pastures. Grazing tall forage varieties down to 3 to 4 inches and shorter varieties to 2 inches in height, then rotating to another pasture for four weeks can help maximize grazing potential of available acreage. Rotating pastures is also a good way to reduce the risk of internal parasite infestation. A good rule of thumb is that if you can see manure piles in your pasture and if horses are grazing close to those manure piles, your pasture is overgrazed and horses should be removed to let it recover.
Pasture time is certainly a plus when it comes to managing happy, healthy horses, but not all pastures are created equal. Some pastures provide a significant source of nutrition while others are just a place to play. Providing safe, quality pasture forage that meets a large portion of your horse’s nutritional requirements takes careful management and additional caution during seasonal transitions.  Consulting with a horse pasture and forage expert in your area, such as the local county extension agent, a university agronomist or State Extension Horse Specialist, may help you maximize the safety and value of your available pasture.
Stop by J&N Feed and Seed in Graham, Texas for all your livestock minerals and feed.
Source: Purina Mills, Karen E. Davison, Ph.D. – Special – Sales Support Manager


It’s Time For Pasture Seeding

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

sudan seed bulk fertilizer- https://www.jandnfeedandseed.comNow is the time to get your hay crop seed. We have over 40 types of seed including Cattle King 3 Way Cross Sudan Seed and Bermuda grass seed.  We carry a variety of native grasses and improved pasture grasses.  Not sure what you need?  Stop by and talk with our experts, we’re here to help!  We also have carry a variety of bagged and bulk fertilizer. Stop by J & N Feed and Seed or call us for delivery at (940) 549-4631.

Spring Seeds and Bedding Plants

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

spring gardeningWe love spring time at J&N Feed and Seed because it means time for planting, fertilizing, and preparing for the bloom of wonderful veggies, flowers and much more.

We have just received a new batch of veggies and various garden seeds! Stop by our greenhouse and let’s get this garden started! Now on hand, we have:

  1. A great selection of  vegetables, flowers and herb plants
  2. Bulk and Small Package Seeds
  3. Organic Seeds……

Stock up on potting soil and mulch too!

Fish Truck Visits March 27

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

pond stockingThe Stock My Pond fish truck will visit J&N Feed and Seed in Graham, Texas, on Friday, March 27th,  from 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

The truck will have channel cat, large mouth bass, black crappie, bluegill, hybrid bluegill, red ear bream, and fathead minnows. The truck provides containers for all fish but the 11″ channel cats, so please bring your own containers for them.

It is not necessary to pre-order the fish, but if you are looking for a large quantity we suggest you call. Questions?  Give us a call at 940-549-4631.

Fish Truck Visits March 25

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

pond stockingIt’s time to stock your ponds!  Abney’s Fish Truck visits J&N Feed and Seed in Graham, Texas on Wednesday, March 25th,  from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

The truck will have channel cats, large mouth bass, black crappie, hybrid bluegill, coppernose bluegill, fathead minnows and MORE!  Questions?  Visit Abney’s website or give us a call at 940-549-4632.

  • 4″- 6″ Channel Cat at $35 per 100
  • 6″ – 8″ Channel Cat at $55 per 100
  • Large Mouth Bass at $98 per 100
  • Black Crappie at $88 per 100
  • Hybrid Bluegill at $45 per 100
  • Coppernose Bluegill at $45 per 100
  • Hybrid Grass Carp at $9.00 each
  • Fathead Minnows at $9 per pound
  • Pond Fertilizer at $20 per 4 pounds
  • Koi and Goldfish priced according to size

To place special orders, call Abney’s Fish Truck (870) 697-3550

10 Things to Consider When Purchasing Plants

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015
LandscapingTexasSpending some time preparing and planning for your garden will pay off in the end.  Consider these tips before purchasing plants for your garden.
1. Know your zone:  What garden zone do you live in?  Understanding your garden zone will help determine what plants will thrive in your environment,and which you should stay away from.
2. Do some research: Once you know which plants do best in your zone, find out what infestation or disease they are susceptible to. Which pests are abundant in your area?  Once you know you can make an informed decision on which plants to purchase.
3.Review your landscape: Shade or sun?  Look at your landscape and determine which areas are best for sun-loving plants and shade plants.  Look at the landscape throughout the day to determine how much sun these areas receive.
4.Design your flower bed: How much space do you have?  A small space that needs a pop of color?  Or a larger space that will require a variety of bushes, plants and flowers?
5. Prepare for the future: Remember that plants grow! Check the projected height and width of each plant to avoid unhealthy and unattractive crowding.
6. Arrangement matters: Layer your arrangement. Step 5 will help you determine the full hight of your plant.  Keep this in mind as you plant, place the taller plants in the back and shorter plants or flowers in front.
7. Tis the season: Remember your seasons when building your garden.  Do they bloom all season or for a few weeks?  Is color important?  Think about different varieties and the timing of blooms as you arrange and build your landscaping.
8. Buds are best: When visiting your local nursery or feed store, look for plants with more buds, not blooms.  Buds will eventually bloom and have you garden looking good longer.
9. Healthy plants: Look for healthy plants.  Look for insects or browning leaves, and check for an overly crowded or shriveled root ball.
10. Understand your landscape: Do you have time to maintain your landscape?  Do you have the time to water and trim your landscape?  Are you in a drought with water restrictions?  Think about this as you plan.  Low-maintenance or a drought tolerant landscape may be better.
A little time, thought and preparation will go a long way to enjoying your garden and landscape.
Source: Proven Winners

Lawncare: Scalping or Aerating?

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

“Should I scalp or aerate my lawn?”  And when should I do it?

Let’s start with scalping. You set the mower to the lowest setting and bag all the clipping.  You’ll need to invest in a good respirator or dust mask too because this can be a very messy process. On the positive side, it removes a lot of last year’s dead grass and also a lot of the weeds. It allows the soil to warm up fast which will make the lawn green up sooner which in turn allows you to start mowing sooner. Not only does lawn scalping promote growth, but it also thwarts diseases. Scalping your lawn eliminates a layer of thatch and thatch holds moisture.

aeratinglawns-300x240Aerating the lawn is another subject that gets brought up often. Aerating is the physical process of making small holes in the soil and grass. If any of the following conditions exist in your yard, you should probably aerate:

  • Soil compact from children or pets running in the yard
  • Dries out easily
  • Was established by sod, and soil has been layered over an existing coarser soil. This layering disrupts drainage, as water is held in the finer-textured soil. This can lead to compacted conditions and poor root development. Aerating breaks up the layers, allowing water to flow through the soil more easily and reach the roots.

When aerating,  it is better to remove a plug of soil than to just poke a hole in it. These holes allow a more efficient use of water and fertilizer by allowing them to get through layers of compacted soil and thatch. Aerating should be done during the early part of the growing season. In most case this is not a yearly task but one that should be done when needed.  Click here for how to steps for aerating your lawn.

The best time to scalp or aerate your lawn is in the early spring right before the growing season begins. Stop by for all your spring gardening tools and get a head start on a beautiful lawn!