Why Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement for Chickens is a Must-Have during Hot Weather

Purina Electrolyte Supplement for chickensSummer is a great time to enjoy and relax with your chickens. However, you might notice some changes in their behavior and health especially during hot weather. Chickens, just like humans, can suffer from dehydration and heat exhaustion when temperatures rise. To combat these risks, Purina recently introduced a new product, the Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement for Chickens. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of this supplement and why you should consider feeding it to your chickens during hot weather.

What Is The Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement for Chickens?
The Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement is designed to keep your chickens healthy and hydrated during hot weather. This supplement has a range of essential nutrients and antioxidants that help combat heat stress and improve overall health. The supplement contains trace minerals, including zinc and manganese, as well as vitamins that help boost your chicken’s immune system. Additionally, it contains electrolytes like sodium, chloride, and potassium that maintain the right balance of fluids in your chicken’s body.

What Are The Benefits Of The Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement for Chickens?
The benefits of the Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement are many, and they come in handy, especially during hot weather. First, the supplement helps prevent dehydration, which can be deadly for chickens. Chickens need ample water to stay healthy, and this supplement ensures that they maintain the right balance of fluids in their body. Secondly, the supplement helps reduce heat stress, which can lead to poor egg production, slower growth, and even death in extreme cases.

Moreover, the supplement helps promote immune health, which is essential during hot weather when your chickens’ immune system is vulnerable. Lastly, the supplement contains antioxidants that protect your chickens’ cells from damage and boost their overall health. Feeding your chickens this supplement during hot weather is, therefore, a great way to take care of their overall health.

How To Feed Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement to Chickens
Feeding Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement to your chickens is easy and straightforward. Simply mix one scoop of the supplement in one gallon of clean water, and give it to your chickens. You can mix more or less of the supplement mixture depending on the number of chickens you have. The supplement should be offered daily during hot weather, and it’s crucial to change the water daily.

Where Can I Find The Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement for Chickens?
The Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement for Chickens is widely available at J&N Feed and Seed in Graham, Texas. The supplement is at an affordable price point and comes in different sizes depending on the number of chickens you have.

The Purina Electrolyte and Antioxidant Supplement for Chickens is a must-have supplement during hot weather to help maintain your chicken’s overall health. This supplement is easy to administer and contains essential nutrients and antioxidants that help combat heat stress, dehydration, and promote immune health. As a chicken owner, you should prioritize the health and wellness of your chickens, and feeding them this supplement is a great way to do that.