Keeping The Bunnies At Bay!

rabbitHave those cute little bunnies become your enemy because they’re chewing up your garden? There are some plants that they don’t like. In fact, if you plants these around the plants they do like, you have a better chance of keeping them away.


  • Plant rosemary around the edges of your garden, or around the plants rabbits target. The leaves of the plant can be toxic to rabbits. Not all rosemary varieties will poison a rabbit, but the smell warns them away.


  • Sage leaves are poisonous to rabbits. In fact, it goes well with rabbit. So, plant some sage in your garden to help deter rabbits,


  • Begonias are a flowering perennial plant that numbers more than 1,500 species. There are several major groups of begonias that are helpful with ridding your garden of rabbits since they will not eat them. While the begonia is not likely to hurt the rabbit if it nibbles the flowers or leaves of a begonia, they simply appear not to be on the menu. The sight or smell of these plants must be unappealing to the rabbit since they will avoid them as a source of food.

Habanero Peppers

  • Rabbits like carrots and other mild flavored crunchy snacks and tend to enjoy eating new leaves that are very tender. Meanwhile, bigger, thicker, strong flavored plants, such as habanero peppers,repel rabbits.

